Welcome to The AirAngel Project
Created for developing countries, medical missions, and simulation training.

Pediatric blades are now available! Check out the buy or download pages for more information.
We are a not-for-profit tutorial website and resource center dedicated to making video laryngoscopes accessible in under resourced nations. We've designed and created a 3D file of an adult and pediatric printable video laryngoscope blade and have uploaded it to an online 3D printing company. We'll link you to the store, where purchasing the blade is quick and easy. You can also download the adult file for FREE or purchase the pediatric file for a small fee. We'll take you step-by-step, recommend and link you to what equipment to buy and show you how to set it all up.
Below is a video of our very first system that we built and sent with a medical missions team to the Philippines.
On this website we'll talk about 2 different ways of building your own VL system. Both systems require that you buy or print the AirAngel blade.
The Teslong System
The AirAngel blade + The Teslong Industrial Endoscope with screen.
The easiest system to set up
Durable screen, videoscope, and hard carrying case.
Consider this option if you have an iPhone or don't want to use your Android smartphone as a video screen.
There are other screen and scope combinations for sale, Teslong is just one of them that we tried and liked.
The Android System
The AirAngel Blade + Android smartphone + separate flexible videoscope.
Works if you have an Android smartphone with OTG function
You'll need a flexible videoscope that is compatible with your AirAngel Blade and Android smartphone.
Will need to download separate App to smartphone.
Clicking on this link will send you to our Shapeways.com store, where you can buy the AirAngel adult blade or Pedi blades. Make sure you pick the blade model that is compatible with the videoscope size (5.5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm). It's easy to pick a color and pay. They will make the blade and ship it directly to you. Browse the Shapeways materials section regarding the plastics and finishing techniques they use. The Nylon plastics they use and print quality are great. The blades are chemical resistant, heat resistant, and light weight.
Want to download our 3D files? This is ideal if you are located in a foreign country or want to 3D print the AirAngel blade yourself. After you click on the download button you will receive a confirmation email from "Sellfy", the link to download the file will be in that email.
PLEASE NOTE: The intended purpose of this VL system is for it to be used as a life saving airway management tool in third world countries or as a training tool. This does not replace any medical grade VL system. We always recommend using an approved medical device whenever possible. This is not in any way an approved medical device nor has it been reviewed by the FDA. It should never be used for medical purposes in the USA. Be aware that many plastics vary in strength, heat resistance, and chemical resistance. Strength and durability of blade will vary depending on what you print it with. Harmful and life threatening complications may occur if pieces break in the airway.